Tuesday 4 March 2014

A recount of Piha

I did not like the bus trip because of all the windy roads made me feel sick. It was also really loud. Miss J had to blow her whistle 4 times. When we finaly got there we had time to go toilet and have a snack if we needed to. Then we started walking up to the club and meet all the surf life savers. There names are Sarah, Dani, Alicia and Patria.

We did lots of activities but my favourite was free time when you got dumped in the waves. When we got to school we took our bags back to the class and got our afternoon tea and brought it to the hall. Next we put up the tents. My tent buddies were Amy A and Kyla. We also played games back at school. I loved doing the scream run. After that our delicious dinner came I got a sousage and chips you could get fish but I didn't want it. We then played capture the orb, sadly we had to get ready for bed. To be honest it was quite nice and relaxing after a long and hard day at Piha. In the morning we had breakfast you got the option of cornflakes and wheet bix.


  1. I love all the adjectives and how it is set out.
    I was wondering who the author is of this amazing recount.
    Which did you choose for you breakfast?
    Good Job! I really Enjoyed Reading It! :-)

  2. thanks holly. Ihad wheet bix. by the way this is Hailey
