Wednesday 26 March 2014

A Perfect Autumn Day poem by Carlos

A Perfect Autumn Day

In front of me stood lots of deciduous trees with their rainbow leaves fluttering to the ground and sparkling dew drops all over the trees.

Above me is the shimmering moon. A Jumbo Jet comes by and breaks the barrier of silence.. Birds come swooping down tweeting away.

Below me are the glistening white rocks scattered around. Thousands of bushes around me are trying to grow.

Behind me I see a flock of tiny sparrows, pecking at a slimy worm. A ping-pong table has made the birds very interested.

Autumn must be coming!

By Carlos


  1. What a cool poem Carlos. Well done. I love reading Room 2's blog. Mum x

  2. great poem Carlos. I liked how you wrote simmering moon instead of shining moon.
