Wednesday, 3 June 2015

More arts week - wearable arts

In our spare time during arts week we designed a picture on a drawstring bag. After our design had been penciled and coloured by special fabric pens we needed to iron them. This is so if it got wet the pens wouldn’t run. It was fun using an iron for the first time (don’t tell our parents!!)

We were also lucky enough to have some inspiring wearable arts in Room 22. These were amazing to look at. We even had the brainstorm and sketches, to see how people start with an idea and then have the finished product in front of us. We also got to see these costumes being worn by our students at the art week assembly last Friday. Truly fantastic!! Linda was also at the assembly, so we got to see her in person and thank her for lending us the costumes for the week.

Please enjoy the pictures of the wearable art costumes.


Here are some websites that could make you smarter!
Please try them!
From Christine


And to practice those tricky times tables click down below

Arts Week

Last week was arts week, everyone had loads of fun, the teachers had planned some lovely activities that are related to art. In every class, we did either music, art or drama.
We also had the Jam Bus come and record the instrumental group, Kapa Haka group and the choir.
Jamie, the producer of the Jam Bus told us the process. Everyone who got recorded are extremely happy, maybe it is because they are going to have their very own CD. The CD will have a better version of the music, not that we were bad. On Friday, we had a very special assembly celebrating the magic of art! There were dances, singing and lots of beautiful and sophisticated art pieces.  Our school even had a 3D printer! Only 4 people from each class in the senior syndicate got to go!
It was very exciting! My favourite activities were going to see the waerable arts costumes and also see the 'artists in resident.'

To see one of the best costumes go to the website below

By Christine

Arts week by Hazel

This week was arts week and it was amazing. Room 2 had an awesome time, we did dancing with Miss Coffer, Drama with Mrs Knofflock and with Mr Mac. We also did art with Mr M and cut out art with Mrs Poole. Miss J also showed us what she was doing with other classes. In between times we made bags did some sketching and knitting. We also made clay sculptures on Monday. That was a big mess. Thank you Mrs Dowden and Mrs Newman for this outstanding week. 
Below are pictures of us having fun making our clay sculptures and bags. Please enjoy. Hazel.