Monday, 27 April 2015

Above me Below me

Hi Miss J, here is my poem could you please post it on the blog? Thanks.


Above me daylight slowly creeps away being replaced by a shadowy darkness. I lay there watching the dark curtains rustle in the cool breeze. Cone shaped lights dangle over my head as tiny moons start to flicker on the silver steel beams. Swiftly torches glide and dance across the stage of a roof. As children start to chatter I see a small star twinkle in the dark sky.

Below me my warm sleeping bag massages my back as I snuggle, I'm tired after my long day. The hard hall floor is black by my thick blow-up mattress.

In front of me my friends laugh and smile as I tell them a spooky story. Rows of children look like soldiers in an army as they lay ahead of me.

Behind me the boys laugh and shout until Mr. M bellows at them.  It feels like witching hour but I know its only nine. My brain is like a fire suddenly put out, my eyes flicker as I try to stay awake. The fire is gone. I'm asleep…

By Charlotte